We are thrilled to announce that the ISIDE project’s Final Conference took place in Bergamo (Italy) on 10 December. This event, held at the headquarters of the host partner Jobs Academy, marked the culmination of an exciting journey that has brought together experts and organisations committed to driving positive change through collaborative action and innovative solutions. 

Event Overview 

The ISIDE project, which aims to adapt Vocational Education and Training to the needs of the labour market, with a focus on the environment, the fight against climate change and digital transformation, has explored new ways of integrating sustainability and corporate responsibility into business practices, while promoting social innovation across sectors. 

The innovative solutions that emerged from the project were presented at this Final Conference. The event included a series of keynote speeches, providing a unique opportunity for networking and sharing insights. 

Highlights of the Event 

1. Keynote speakers: Experts in sustainability, social entrepreneurship and corporate responsibility shared their insights on how we can accelerate progress towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. 

2. Project Results Showcase: The project partners presented the main results of the ISIDE project in their countries in terms of the Pilots Testing carried out and the events organised to raise awareness of the project. They showcased some of the most impactful outcomes and offered participants a glimpse of Vocational Education and Training focused on the future of social innovation and sustainability. 

The ISIDE Pilot Testing has been an initiative that has offered an exceptional opportunity for SMEs in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Bulgaria to enhance their digital readiness, resilience, and capacity in environmental sustainability and social impact measurement through an interactive learning platform supported by artificial intelligence. 

During the implementation of the project, several international mobilities have been celebrated, both virtually and in person. The most recent in-person mobility was held in Rome and was attended by all the consortium partners and also by professionals from different sectors, experts in social impact and sustainability. The mobilities and events celebrated in the framework of the project were also mentioned during the conference as a demonstration of the results achieved.

3. Networking opportunities: The event was a hub for connecting like-minded professionals and organisations dedicated to driving Social Innovation, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, and measuring Social Impact.

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